Peaches are traditionally known as the “fruit of love.” When we purchased our farm in
2021, we had no idea how much work and love was involved in caring for a 40-tree
peach orchard in a way that would produce a bountiful harvest.
At that time, our peach trees were about 18 to 20 feet tall and were not producing
quality peaches. The trees would produce beautiful pink blossoms, which would evolve
into small green peaches, and dry up. And it appeared that a pest of some type was
ravaging the fruit. In the beginning, we knew absolutely nothing about peach tree
cultivation, which, according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, means “to prepare or
prepare and use for the raising of crops.”
We spent long hours researching and consulting with agriculture experts to develop a
care schedule for the orchard. We learned the importance of pruning the trees in a way
that allowed sunlight to get to the leaves, peaches, and trees to prevent fungal growth.
And we figured out the culprit that was destroying our peaches was the infamous Plum
Curculio Beetle. We spent many long hours pruning, raking, and hauling branches that
we fed into a gas-powered mulcher. We used the piles of mulch for our flower gardens.
All this hard work and a care regimen that included Neem Oil and other treatments at
regular intervals, in addition to keeping the orchard floor clear of fallen and/or diseased
peaches, resulted in our first edible peaches the following summer. However, the yield
was low because we had to cut off a lot of the blossoms to cut the trees down to a
manageable level.
In the Spring of 2023, we had a warm spell and the peaches bloomed early. Then, we
experienced three back-to-back freezes, which destroyed nearly all our peach blooms.
More work and a lot of praying this spring has resulted in a bumper crop of young
peaches sprouting from almost every limb. May is the month that thinning of the fruit
takes place. So, this month we have painstakingly gone tree by tree, clipping unfruitful
limbs, spraying Neem Oil, which is a natural pesticide and fungicide, and thinning the
fruit. Peaches should be three to four inches apart so they can get the nutrients and
sunlight they need to reach maximum size. We are praying daily that our hard work and
blessings from the Lord will produce beautiful, tasty peaches that we can share with
friends and peach lovers from the local area. We are planning our first peach festival at
our property July 20 and are now accepting vendors. For more information, visit the
events page of our Web site at
We are so thankful for this opportunity the Lord God has given us. And we know that all
blessings come from Him. The book of Leviticus, in chapter 25, verses 18 and 19,
details the results of the “Blessing of Obedience” that is referenced in Deuteronomy 28:
1-14: “You are to keep My statues and carefully observe My judgments, so that you may
dwell securely in the land. Then the land will yield its fruit, so that you can eat your fill,
and dwell in safety in the land.” (Berean Standard Bible) Blessing to all! Jeff & Linda Johnson, Neal Creek Retreat, Belvidere, Tennessee.