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Pretty Old Places: Historic 1856 Train Bridge

Waaaaaaay down in Giles County, Tennessee (like almost to Alabama) lies an old train bridge over the Elk River. While it's not in use anymore, it's a historical backdrop for kayakers and fishermen that come to enjoy the Elk River. This river was once a main method of transporting goods to the area.⁣

The bridge was originally built before the Civil War in 1856. Like many buildings and structures, it was destroyed during the fighting, all except for the stone piers which are still there today! With the necessity for food and other supplies during the war, the First Regiment Michigan Engineers were tasked with rebuilding the bridge. The second picture shows this construction in progress in 1862. It's now closed to rail and even foot traffic, but you can still enjoy its beauty from the river and bank. Even an old bridge can have a story!⁣


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